
PHP CodeSniffer Maven Plugin allows to run coding standard checks against your PHP project.


If you are using Maven for your PHP project and want to have power of PHP CodeSniffer to follow coding standard then PHP CodeSniffer Maven plugin is way to go.
  1. Use existing PHP CodeSniffer you have in your project.
  2. If you do not have PHP CodeSniffer, plugin downloads for you.
  3. Plugin shows you the progress of sniffer checks.
  4. Hosted on the central maven repository.

Source code / Contribution

If you would like to contribute to the development of PHP CodeSniffer Maven Plugin project, then you can it by sending a pull request on github PHP CodeSniffer maven plugin.

Copyright © 2015- Umakant Patil. All rights resevered.            PHP CodeSniffer is copyright of Squiz Pty Ltd.